Hey everyone, welcome to MGK Minis. This is going to be a place for me to chronicle my various misadventures in miniature wargaming and habitual paintbrush licking.
To give you a bit of backstory. I got into miniature wargaming with Warhammer 40k at the tail end of 7th edition when Cadia was falling. I played a bunch of 8th Edition 40k and the 1st edition of Killteam before branching out into GWs specialist games.
These days I’ve left Warhammer pretty much behind as the long I go you go turns I found rather boring. My main three games right now are Marvel Crisis Protocol, Bloodbowl, and Infinity.
I also have an Inner Sphere Merc Company in Battletech, A Resistance Fleet in Dropfleet commander, Rebel and Empire Armies in Star Wars Legion, and Isengard, Rohan, and Gondor armies for Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.
Plus my various (Mostly commander) decks in MTG.
I am a man of varied tastes and far too many unpainted miniatures. My goal is to use this site mainly as a repository of my work, and a way to scream into the void.
A Fresh Start